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What happened to 2016.2.4?!

0 votes

I've been working on a project that is using Wwise version 2016.2.4.6098, and recently started experiencing intermittent crashes even after restarting my machine over the course of several days (Windows 10, Intel Core i7, 32 GB of RAM). 

In an effort to minimize seeking support, I thought I ought to first try uninstalling and reinstalling that version of Wwise. 


I immediately went to the Wwise downloads page and clicked on "Older Versions" which only shows Wwise versions 2015 and older. 

Please help. My entire day is wasted if I cannot work on this project, and probably many more days if I can't find a way to reinstall 2016.2.4.6098. This is a huge blocker for me. Thanks for reading this. 

asked Apr 13, 2018 in General Discussion by Mike P. (150 points)
We're having exactly the same issue, I'm afraid!

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
Please use the latest 2016.2.x version available on the Launcher. It is both Project and SoundBank compatible, and includes the latest bug fixes. Please contact support to request special access to a specific version for your project.
answered May 14, 2018 by Bernard R. (Audiokinetic) (35,430 points)
selected May 14, 2018 by Mike P.
Thanks for the response!