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Generating Soundbanks in UE results in unintended platforms and fails

+4 votes

Getting this error in the LOG (below) when generating soundbanks from Unreal (and thus am unable to load them into memory).  UE 4.17, Wwise 2017.2.4.6590

Wwise in integrated into project.  Events are imported from the picker.  Imported soundbanks.  Now, when I right click on those selected soundbanks to generate within Unreal, even when I've ONLY selected Mac platform, it tries to generate for all these platforms I don't intend.  On the Wwise end, I have windows and mac, but no other platforms selected.

How/where do I change so that the automated command line call "Starting Wwise SoundBank generation with the following command line" doesn't include all those other platforms?


LogFactory: FactoryCreateNew: AkAudioBank with AkAudioBankFactory (1 0 ../../../../../../donovanseidle/Documents/Unreal Projects/WwiseIntegrationDS/WwiseIntegrationDS_WwiseProject/GeneratedSoundBanks/Mac/DS_Soundbank.bnk)
LogFactory: FactoryCreateNew: AkAudioBank with AkAudioBankFactory (1 0 ../../../../../../donovanseidle/Documents/Unreal Projects/WwiseIntegrationDS/WwiseIntegrationDS_WwiseProject/GeneratedSoundBanks/Mac/Init.bnk)
LogAk: Starting Wwise SoundBank generation with the following command line:
LogAk: /bin/sh "/Applications/Audiokinetic/Wwise 2017.2.4.6590/" "/Users/donovanseidle/Documents/Unreal Projects/WwiseIntegrationDS/WwiseIntegrationDS_WwiseProject/WwiseIntegrationDS_WwiseProject.wproj" -GenerateSoundBanks -Bank DS_Soundbank -Bank Init -ImportDefinitionFile "/Users/donovanseidle/Documents/Unreal Projects/W
wiseIntegrationDS/TempDefinitionFile.txt" -Platform Android -SoundBankPath Android "Z:/Users/donovanseidle/Documents/Unreal Projects/WwiseIntegrationDS/Content/WwiseAudio/Android" -Platform IOS -SoundBankPath IOS "Z:/Users/donovanseidle/Documents/Unreal Projects/WwiseIntegrationDS/Content/WwiseAudio/IOS" -Platform Linux -SoundBankPath Linux "Z:/Users/donovan
seidle/Documents/Unreal Projects/WwiseIntegrationDS/Content/WwiseAudio/Linux" -Platform PS4 -SoundBankPath PS4 "Z:/Users/donovanseidle/Documents/Unreal Projects/WwiseIntegrationDS/Content/WwiseAudio/PS4" -Platform Windows -SoundBankPath Windows "Z:/Users/donovanseidle/Documents/Unreal Projects/WwiseIntegrationDS/Content/WwiseAudio/Windows" -Platform XboxOne 
-SoundBankPath XboxOne "Z:/Users/donovanseidle/Documents/Unreal Projects/WwiseIntegrationDS/Content/WwiseAudio/XboxOne" -Platform Switch -SoundBankPath Switch "Z:/Users/donovanseidle/Documents/Unreal Projects/WwiseIntegrationDS/Content/WwiseAudio/Switch"
LogAk: Wwise | v2017.2.4 | Build no.6590 | (C) 2006-2018. Audiokinetic Inc. All rights reserved.
LogAk: *** Loading Project ***
LogAk: Unknown platform specified in command-line: Android
Unknown platform specified in command-line: IOS
Unknown platform specified in command-line: Linux
Unknown platform specified in command-line: PS4
Unknown platform specified in command-line: Windows
Unknown platform specified in command-line: XboxOne
Unknown platform specified in command-line: Switch
Unknown platform specified in command-line: Android
Unknown platform specified in command-line: IOS
Unknown platform specified in command-line: Linux
Unknown platform specified in command-line: PS4
Unknown platform specified in command-line: Switch
Unknown platform specified in command-line: Windows
Unknown platform specified in command-line: XboxOne
Unknown platform specified in command-line: Android
Unknown platform specified in command-line: IOS
Unknown platform specified in command-line: Linux
Unknown platform specified in command-line: PS4
Unknown platform specified in command-line: Windows
Unknown platform specified in command-line: XboxOne
Unknown platform specified in command-line: Switch
*** Importing SoundBank definition ***
Error: File missing or invalid:Y:\Documents\Unreal Projects\WwiseIntegrationDS\TempDefinitionFile.txt
Error: Stopping the process on error ( specify -ContinueOnError in the command line to continue on error )
Process completed successfully.
LogAk: Error: Wwise command-line failed with error 1.

asked Apr 25, 2018 in General Discussion by Donovan S. (140 points)
I have the same issue

1 Answer

+1 vote
same problem here...
answered Sep 13, 2018 by Saulo C. (180 points)