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How to Make Deterministic Data Builds?

0 votes

We are trying to make out data build deterministic for minimal patch sizes. Currently some of the .bnk files generated differ between builds with no project changes by a few bytes.

Is the current build supposed to be deterministic? And are there any ways I can debug the data generated to inspect where the changes are coming from and maybe identify which parts of the projects are causing the changes (with the home of removing or refactoring them)?

We are using WWise 2017.1.2.6361 and the command line is:

WwiseCLI.exe OurProject.wproj -GenerateSoundBanks -Quiet -NoDecode -Platform XboxOne

(this also occurs without the -NoDecode option and onther platforms)


asked Jul 23, 2018 in General Discussion by Sam L. (100 points)

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