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How to avoid a music Switch transition when passing through certain menu screens?

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Hey all,

I've got a Switch container set up that has a playlist containing two arrangements of the same piece of music for two different menu subscreens playing in tandem - arrangement 1 plays on screen 1 and fades to arrangement 2 when you switch to screen 2 and vice versa.  They're set up in one playlist and are rigged up as Switch tracks.  My issue is that to get from one to the other, you have to pass through another menu screen, the "splash" or main menu screen, which follows the transition rule of fading the current playing track out:

Screen 1, arrangement 1 playing -->  Main screen, track fades to 0 --> Screen 2, arrangement 2 fades in at the correct time where arrangement 1 would be playing.  

Does anyone know how to set it so that going to the main splash screen won't affect the music, ie going from Screen 1, Arrangement 1 to the main menu, playback will continue normally and won't be affected by the main screen but will correctly fade out after passing the main screen, when it gets to the screen 2 and arrangement 2 fades in, and vice versa?  The Switch Container transitions tab only seems to allow you to create transitions between playlists, but I don't know how to make these Switch tracks play in tandem if they're in separate playlists.  Sorry, I'm still pretty new to Wwise.  Thanks!

asked Aug 10, 2018 in General Discussion by Rory G. (140 points)

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