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Is there a way to get the project's path with WAAPI

0 votes
I'm using the WAAPI to develop a plugin for Wwise and I was wondering if there was an easy to get the relative path of where the .wproj resides. I've been digging through the documentation and sample code provided with the SDK, but haven't had much luck.
asked Aug 14, 2018 in General Discussion by j0nwin (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Best answer

Get the project name, path and dirty state.


Retrieves the project name, file path and dirty state. Note that the project name is defined in the wproj xml, and may not match the file name.


    "from": {
        "ofType": [


    "return": [


    "return": [
            "filePath": "C:\\WwiseProjects\\MyProject\\MyProject.wproj", 
            "name": "MyProject", 
            "workunit:isDirty": true
answered Aug 15, 2018 by Bernard R. (Audiokinetic) (35,110 points)
selected Aug 17, 2018 by Bernard R. (Audiokinetic)
Thank you for the guidance.

I just wanted to expand on this answer for future readers who develop in C++ so that they can see where and how one would use "ak.wwise.core.object.get"

When installing Wwise, be sure to install the SDK and please use the SampleClient solution under:
<Wwise Root Directory>\SDK\samples\WwiseAuthoringAPI\cpp\SampleClient

Look at TestClient.cpp line 58 where the similar "ak::wwise:core::getInfo" is used and use this as a starting point.