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Complex speech systems and granular synthesis. Searching for a solution.

0 votes
I'm currently working on a project with some very ambitious requirements involving the generation or emulation of real-time speech, whereby the rate of speech playback/generation is integral to the game mechanic. I'm exploring as many options as I can, and the idea of scrubbing a waveform or using granular synthesis to affect playback rates seems like a possible lead. I have heard there's a granular synth engine in development for Wwise, and am just wanting to see if this might possibly meet the requirements for this specific intended purpose. Otherwise, I'm exploring phonemes and speech synthesis and have even less of a clue where to begin.
Any information about the intended implementation for the upcoming Wwise granular synth would be greatly appreciated.
Andrew =)
asked Sep 12, 2018 in General Discussion by Andrew C. (100 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

Hello Andrew,

We plan on releasing an alpha build of the granular synth imminently. If you wish to try it, go to and request access to join the 'GRANSYNTH' course. You will be notified by email when the alpha comes out.


answered Oct 5, 2018 by Xavier B. (Audiokinetic) (640 points)