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Randomize Initial Phase of Wwise Flanger?

0 votes

There's no Randomizer Button for the Initial Phase of Wwise Flanger. So, I gave it a shot and tried randomizing it by using RTPC and LFO, then using the LFO's Initial Phase Randomizer. But well, that didn't work either, unsurprisingly. Does anybody have an idea how it could work, though?


asked Oct 4, 2018 in General Discussion by Christian S. (530 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Hi Christian

I think the LFO is triggered after the Initial Phase value is used, so it makes sense that it doesn't work.
A hacky solution could be to control the value with a game parameter instead, and set that game parameter
to a random value from within the game code before triggering the event that uses the flanger.

Kind Regards
answered Oct 16, 2018 by Tobias D. Nielsen (2,450 points)
I think you're right about the signal-chain, which makes it impossible to get it done inside Wwise alone. Anyway, thanks for the idea with the game parameter!