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Small Pop / Click between scene changes on music and ambiance

0 votes
Hi Wwise Community.

We're having a strange issue where we're hearing a small pop / click during transitions between scenes on our music and ambience channels.

Any suggestions / thoughts on what might be causing it and any solutions? I'm not seeing anything strange in the profiler.

asked Oct 12, 2018 in General Discussion by Justin F. (110 points)
edited Oct 12, 2018 by Justin F.

1 Answer

0 votes
Hey Justin

Does this happen when you build your project, or only in the editor?
Are you using Unity?

Kind Regards
answered Oct 16, 2018 by Tobias D. Nielsen (2,450 points)
Hey Tobias,

Thanks for responding to my question. Yes, it happens in both builds and in the editor and we're using Unity 2018.2.2f1

Hey, I just encountered this, and after a day of debugging, I -think- I figured out what it was.

For me it seems to be related to changes in Listeners.  check the following in your project:

1) Is there ever a situation where you have more than 1 AkAudioListener anywhere? most likely culprit is if you have two scenes you are switching between, the camera objects on each scene probably both have AkAudioListener components.  When the second scene is activated while the first is still active for a second, that could be causing the pop.

2) If you are doing anything with listeners programatically, check for change to AkAudioListener.SetDefaultListener().   

I have weird listener positioning needs in the project I am working on, so I chose to create a new gameobject decoupled from the camera, attach the AkAudioListener to that, and then call DontDestroyOnLoad() on that object so it persists between scenes.

And yea, I will note that nothing ever looked weird in the profiler during the pop that happened.
Are there any other suggestions for solving this?  I have the same issue and it seems to be caused by a momentary overlap of ak listeners on loading a new scene.  It doesn’t always happen but often causes a pop on some scenes.  Even though it does stop the pop, it isn’t really practical to make a persistent/donotdestroy object with the ak listener on in my project because it needs to be attached to the main scene cameras in each scene.
Same problem too! How can I solve this problem if I need to attach the AkAudioListener to each camera in the scenes of my project?

How can I change to AkAudioListener.SetDefaultListener(), in which script, can you be more detailed ?
I haven't found a better way, my solution was to:

1. remove any AK listener components from all cameras in the editor.

2. programmatically, create a new game object with a new listener and have it follow/move with the active camera. I set this object to be "do not destroy"

3. When scene changes happen, I wrote code that iterates through any listeners in the scene, and disables all of them from being the active listener except the one I manually created. I.e. call SetDefaultListener(false).

4. In wwise unity global settings, you can turn off the "automatically attach listeners to cameras" setting.

Sorry, I wish there was a better way. As far as I can tell, the "pop" is actually when, for a split second, during a scene switch, two listeners are active (one for the old camera about to be deleted, one for the new camera being loaded). The two listeners seems to cause the audio to be rendered twice, resulting in a momentary volume doubling effect. That's what the pop is. The only way I found to prevent it is to never let the situation occur where there are more than 1 default listeners active.

It would be nice if wwise had a better way to deal with this, because it's a really tough problem to diagnose why it's happening. And you'd expect something as common as scene changes to be handled out of the box more gracefully.
“The two listeners seems to cause the audio to be rendered twice, resulting in a momentary volume doubling effect.”