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Changes won't reflect in engine, unreal [closed]

0 votes
Ok this is starting to drive me a little crazy. I'm newish to wwise within unreal, but I'm pretty familiar with using it alongside unity.


Anyways, I swapped out 4 temp sounds (footsteps for different footsteps). First thing that happened was the tracks were disarmed, the text went from blue to white. I generated the sound banks (all success messages), refreshed them within unreal, hit play, same old footsteps.


I reselected the event, saved, reloaded, same old footsteps. Any idea whats going on ?


I'm using wwise 2018.1.1, unreal ~4.19, along with perforce as our source control (we're not using the plugin)
closed with the note: No one helped
asked Nov 11, 2018 in General Discussion by Daniel R. (100 points)
closed Dec 9, 2018 by Daniel R.