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Transforming RTPC values

0 votes

I was wondering if it is possible to generate RTPC values, calculated from another RTPC, in Wwise.

More specifically, let's say that I'm working on car engines. The game will send me RPM values. I would like to calculate engine Load values (calculated as some kind of derived function of the rpm).

I know the game can handle the Load calculation, but I would prefer that it's calculated by Wwise because:

- it would allow the sound designers to tweak the behaviour

- it will allow us to check the audio results in the Wwise authoring tool (as we can do with the FMOD designer tool)

Is there a way to do this? Should I create a plugin for this? (the plugin wouldn't change the audio, it would just calculate the values of the Load RTPC)
asked Apr 30, 2019 in General Discussion by Jorge P. (120 points)

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