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AkAmbient Causing Infinite Peaking in Multi Position and Large Mode

0 votes
We are using Wwise Integration 2018.1.1 and Unity 2018.3.14f1.

We are having an issue whereby the sound peaks at 770 dBs for the play session when trying to use multiple prefabs of the same object that has an AkAmbient component in Multi Position mode or a single Game Object with an AkAmbient component in Large mode with multiple nodes. Having only one of the objects or one node does not cause peaking, but as soon as another object or node is turned on/added the sound spikes to 770 dBs for the remainder of the play session.

We believe that this issue has to do with the 3D Spatialization being set to None. However, if we set it to Position or Position + Orientation our Spatial Audio will pan to the left for the play session, and adjusting the position of our Listener does not change this.

Is it possible to resolve the issue with the Position Mode related peaking while maintaining 3D Spatialization at None to avoid unwanted sound panning?
asked May 14, 2019 in General Discussion by Noah D. (100 points)

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