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iPhone 4 performance in Unity

0 votes
Audio is garbled/glitched/delayed using Wwise + Unity on the iPhone 4/iPod 4 (and KIndle Fire).  Removing sfx/dsp/pitch randomization does not fix issue.


Is this a known issue?
asked Sep 3, 2014 in General Discussion by Jack M. (100 points)
I have an issue with iPhone 4 when I accessing the iTunes account its shows an issue that is error 4013 and I don't know how to get the solution regarding this I talked to the expert team through clicking the link:-

1 Answer

0 votes
Sounds like CPU starvation (overload).  Did you connect the Wwise profiler?  It should give you some hints on what's happening.
answered Sep 9, 2014 by Mathieu J. (Audiokinetic) (7,120 points)