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Previewing auxiliary bus within Wwise

+1 vote
How can I preview what's being sent through an auxiliary bus without connecting to a game? I would like to test reverbs witinin Wwise without have to add the effect to individual audio objects.  This way, I can just adjust the send amount on an auxiliary bus and jump around, previewing the effect across different audio objects/events.
asked Sep 4, 2014 in General Discussion by Mike (330 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

In Wwise, the only way to send the signal of an object is by manually adding the send in the User Auxiliary Sends.

You can use the SoundFrame Test application. From the start menu: Sample > SoundFrame > SoundFrame Test, which is included with any of the SDK Windows installer packages.  

In SoundFrame Test, which your Wwise project is open, you can:

  • Create a game object
  • click the Edit Sends button
  • Set the send levels using the controls
  • Play an event on this game object in SoundFrame Test
answered Sep 4, 2014 by Bernard R. (Audiokinetic) (35,110 points)
selected Oct 31, 2014 by Mike
Thanks for the help!
How can I see the full name in the Aux Send 1 window? It seems the editor window can't be enlarged and my prefixes are too long. I also can't tell what kind of order it's sorted in (it's not alphabetical or the order in my Wwise project).