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Can I not use Wwise with a 2D project in Unity?

+2 votes
I've been learning Wwise for a bit now, and finally starting adding it to my 2D Unity project. I'm only now realizing that there doesn't seem to be support for 2D (rigidbody2D or any 2D colliders).

I'm kind of miffed. Can I still use functionality like attenuation and reverb zones?
asked Nov 19, 2019 in General Discussion by James M. (800 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
Best answer

Hey James, 

You can adapt a few things to work in a 2D Unity project, but things like AkEvent and AkAmbient seems to be designed primarily for 3D.
* That said, it's not uncommon to create a 3D unity project for your 2D game. 

Attenuations: Should work perfectly fine. It's still based on the distance from the listener to the game object of that sound. 
Effects (Reverb): You will still be able to apply all the same effects in Wwise, but the AkEnvironment won't work right out of the box.

So if you choose to use Wwise with a 2D Unity project, be ready for a bit of custom scripting (e.g. use Wwise-types instead of AkEvent/AkAmbient components), but it is certainly not impossible. 

Does it make it more clear? 

answered Nov 20, 2019 by Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic) (39,740 points)
selected Nov 20, 2019 by James M.
Yes, thank you for the information!
Attenuation did indeed work without any custom setup. I still have to test Effects, but I think I understand the flow of interacting between Unity and Wwise better now.

Thanks again!