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In Unity how can I know which Event caused the "Wwise: Event ID not found: ######" error?

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This is the error:
Wwise: Event ID not found: 3725903807 (Instance ID: 18446744073709518578)

How can I figure out what Event is tied to that ID? When I go to "Wwise Picker" it just says the name of the event, not the Event ID.


James M. (800 ポイント) 2019 11/21 質問 General Discussion

回答 2

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Hey James,

One solution is to head into Wwise, click an Event and look just below the name of the event. That's the Event ID, and you can then compare it to the one you have in Unity.
However, I've found it much faster to open the Wwise_IDs.h file, next to your generated SoundBanks, and search for the ID you have from Unity.

Let me know if this helps!
Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic) (39,400 ポイント) 2019 11/22 回答
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when  export banks to the folder of ganeratedsoundbanks ,it's exports some .txt file with same name of .banks file,it's have event name and id etc. so you can search the id in those .txt files。when you found the id,you can got the name.


yu j. (280 ポイント) 2019 11/23 回答