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WwiseSetupWizard in Unity 2019.2.12f1 generates a number of warnings with Wwise Integration 2019.1.6.7110.1585

0 votes
A number of warnings are generated after updating my Unity integration.

Assets\Wwise\Editor\WwiseSetupWizard\AkBuildPreprocessor.cs(27,9): warning CS0618: 'BuildTarget.StandaloneLinux' is obsolete: 'StandaloneLinux has been removed in 2019.2'

Assets\Wwise\Editor\WwiseSetupWizard\AkBuildPreprocessor.cs(29,9): warning CS0618: 'BuildTarget.StandaloneLinuxUniversal' is obsolete: 'StandaloneLinuxUniversal has been removed in 2019.2'

Assets\Wwise\Editor\WwiseSetupWizard\AkPluginActivator.cs(198,9): warning CS0618: 'BuildTarget.StandaloneLinux' is obsolete: 'StandaloneLinux has been removed in 2019.2'

Assets\Wwise\Editor\WwiseSetupWizard\AkPluginActivator.cs(203,9): warning CS0618: 'BuildTarget.StandaloneLinuxUniversal' is obsolete: 'StandaloneLinuxUniversal has been removed in 2019.2'

Assets\Wwise\Editor\WwiseSetupWizard\AkPluginActivator.cs(388,38): warning CS0618: 'BuildTarget.StandaloneLinux' is obsolete: 'StandaloneLinux has been removed in 2019.2'


Will this be addressed in a future update or should I just handle them locally?


Wwise Integration 2019.1.6.7110.1585

Unity 2019.2.12f1
asked Dec 5, 2019 in General Discussion by Amesh N. (100 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Hey Amesh, 

Yes, warnings will always be addressed in future releases. 

You are a bit ahead of the integration test, but take a look here...
... to see more about supported Unity releases. 

answered Dec 6, 2019 by Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic) (38,720 points)