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iOS Xcode linker error: duplicate symbol ConstantPowerChannelMixdown in libAkSoundEngine.a

+1 vote
We have updated the Facebook SDK to v7.16.1 and are getting an error in the Xcode linking about duplicate symbol 'DSP::ConstantPowerChannelMixdown(AkAudioBuffer*, unsigned int, unsigned int, float*, float, float)' in libAkSoundEngine.a(ConstantPowerChannelMixdown.o).

We were not getting that when using an earlier FacebookSDK. Is this a known issue?

We are currently using Unity 2017.4.16f1 and Wwise 2017.2.9.6726 with this project.
asked Jan 28, 2020 in General Discussion by Mark G. (110 points)
retagged Jan 29, 2020 by Mark G.

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