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Struggle Triggering My Reverb Aux - Soundbank Error

0 votes

I’m struggling to get anything to trigger my reverb aux. There is this error which we thought lead to the Post Generation Command Line, but everything looked alright.

Any advice where I can start investigating?



Custom pre-generation or post-generation executable not found: "/Users/media1/Library/Application Support/Wwise2019/Bottles/Wwise2019x64/dosdevices/c:/Program Files/Audiokinetic/Wwise/Authoring/x64/Release/bin\CopyStreamedFiles.exe" -info "/Users/media1/Library/Application Support/Wwise2019/Bottles/Wwise2019x64/dosdevices/z:/Volumes/AUDIO_Media1/Unity Projects/VaporNoLibrary/Vapor Game_WwiseProject/GeneratedSoundBanks/iOS/SoundbanksInfo.xml" -outputpath "/Users/media1/Library/Application Support/Wwise2019/Bottles/Wwise2019x64/dosdevices/z:/Volumes/AUDIO_Media1/Unity Projects/VaporNoLibrary/Vapor Game_WwiseProject/GeneratedSoundBanks/iOS" -banks "Z:\Volumes\AUDIO_Media1\Unity Projects\VaporNoLibrary\Vapor Game_WwiseProject\GeneratedSoundBanks\iOS\53f2.txt" -languages "English(US)

asked Feb 19, 2020 in General Discussion by Levi C. (100 points)

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