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+1 vote

I am learning Wwise and just finished 101 and 201 modules. I would like to practice integrating my own sounds into Cube and redoing some of the examples I learnt through the program. I would like to have all the game calls already written into the game engine. I looked for a list on this forum but was unable to find it. There is one list from 2015 which does not give the exact spelling of the game calls. There is also another updated list from 2018 but the dropbox link does not work anymore.

A person on the forum explained that I could find the list in the events folder within the Cube folder but I am not able to open the file.

Where can I find the complete game calls list for Cube? I really would like to practice.

Sorry if I ask a wrong question. Be nice I am a beginner:-)

Have a great day
in General Discussion by Nicolas C. (110 points)
Hi Nicolas,
I am in the same situation. Did you find this event list? Thanks !

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