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Does occlusion affect aux send level as well?

+1 vote
It seems that the occlusion attenuates aux send levels as well, is this correct? It seems odd that if the player is around the corner from a sound source, it is basically silent. Is there any way to change this? Perhaps a work-around I haven't thought of? To me it would make more sense if the aux send was not affected by it. In real life, with no direct path, the early reflections should still be very clear. My current occlusion settings are a slope down to -12db for volume, and 75% LPF. My project is currently using UE 4.4 with Wwise 2014.1.
asked Oct 10, 2014 in General Discussion by Richard Goulet (5,740 points)
edited Oct 14, 2014 by Bernard R. (Audiokinetic)
Sorry to self-bump, but I see someone may have edited this question today..  Is there a possible answer to this?


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