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Errors on Unity Migration from 2013.2.9 to 2014.1

0 votes
Hey all,

I'm trying to update our project to 2014.1 (I've got 2013.2.9 running smoothly now).  I've followed all the migration steps, but I'm getting errors during the Unity Integration Package installation:

- It gets past the import window, and loads the custom Wwise migration window.

- I then click on "start" to start the migration

- It stalls, and I see 3 errors in the console regarding Guids (see pic below)


The migration fails after this.  Any ideas?  Thanks in advance.

asked Oct 13, 2014 in General Discussion by Joel G. (190 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Do you, by any chance, have a script that redefines the "Guid" class in your project? The standard System.Guid that is used here does contain the constructor we need (see ).
answered Oct 20, 2014 by Benoit S. (Audiokinetic) (16,020 points)
That was it... One of our programmers had created a class called Guid.  Thanks for your help.

I managed to get things mostly working, but I've had a lot of trouble with this migration.  The installation tool didn't work properly for whatever reason and I've had to do a lot of stuff manually.  The integration has recevied quite the overhaul, but all the documentation seems to be geared towards new projects.  It would be nice to get an upgrade guide for those of us who came from 2013.2.3 and such.  Many components have changed and need to be replaced throughout the game (AkEnvironments for example).  Glad we're getting updated functionality though!