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[UE] Looking for WWise C++ Tutorials

0 votes
Hello people,
It can be a noob question but I couldn't find a valid answer around. Currently I am going with Unity & WWise (on the learning curve) and wanted to work on UE too, to learn and spread my abilities, but, on youtube or official videos (also docs) I couldn't find a way to do that with C++, rather than Blueprints. I have CS background, so I'm super fine with C++ than Blueprints, but idk how WWise implementations react on C++ side of it. Anyway, if there any C++ WWise tutorials around, (like Unity equivalents of UE) I would like to check these up. Or, if it's Blueprints specific, I wouldn't mind looking a source for C++ implementations. I hope I made it clear.
asked Aug 14, 2020 in General Discussion by omnisepher (190 points)

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