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Are there any major updates for Wwise planned?

0 votes
Hey there, I am planning on using Wwise for an upcoming project and I was wondering if anyone knew if there were any major updates planned in the coming weeks as I'd like to use the most recent version for the project.

Should I just bite the bullet and use the current most recent version?

Does anyone know if there is anyway of telling if there are any planned upcoming updates?

Thanks in advance!
asked Aug 17, 2020 in General Discussion by Alasdair M. (140 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
2019.2 was released in January 2020. Next major version won't be available until a few months. Now is a good time to start using the latest 2019.2.x version.
answered Aug 18, 2020 by Bernard R. (Audiokinetic) (35,110 points)