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Game-defined Aux Send Values

0 votes
I'm working with my programmer to determine how the game-defined settings work.  What type of curve is used to blend between wet and dry signals? I would like the game to define this and not have to manually set this up through RTPCs.  As of now, if I simply flag "game-defined" I can still hear 100% dry signal at max distance.  Shouldn't it only be wet at this point?

asked Oct 28, 2014 in General Discussion by Mike (330 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
Hi Mike, for effects in an aux bus, the dry signal is always ignored. The wet signal is played at whichever level is determined in the aux send level. Game-defined aux-send just means that you do not decide in Wwise which aux send is being used- the game will route to certain aux buses at run-time, usually based on defined envornments within your game level. If you're still hearing 100% of your dry signal at maximum distance, check to see that you have a proper attenuation curve in the position properties. Futhermore- you can determine in the attenuation editor if the aux send level follows the same attenuation as the dry signal, or have its own attenuation curve (this way you can allow the wet signal to remain louder even if the sound is further away).

I hope this helps, Cheers!
answered Oct 29, 2014 by Richard Goulet (5,740 points)
selected Oct 31, 2014 by Mike
Ah, that makes sense. Thanks for the clarification! :)