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Why does my recently generated soundbank folder only go into the first cube folder and not the second cube folder?

0 votes
It is only a minor inconvenience but when I get to generating the soundbank to see the changes in "cube", later it wont show up in game. BUT, the soundbank folder that was generated most recently is in the first "Cube" folder and not the smaller "cube" folder. I found that whenever the changes happen in the game are because they are in the "cube" folder. So a quick fix I found was delete the previously generated soundbank in the "cube" folder and replace with the soundbank folder I just generated from the "Cube". The real question is, is there a way to change the generation path to the smaller "cube" folder and not the bigger "Cube" folder?

Thanks again!
asked Oct 4, 2020 in General Discussion by Alex H. (130 points)

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