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how to disable AkObject during audio output change?

0 votes

I've managed to change audio output using wwise in unity, but am now getting a lot of errors:


    private void OutputDropdownValueChanged(OutputRef output) {
        // this is the correct device name
        string audioDevice =;
        uint audioOutId = AkSoundEngine.GetDeviceIDFromName(audioDevice);
        if (AkBasePathGetter.GetPlatformName() == "Windows") {
            AkWindowsSettings akWindowsSettings = (AkWindowsSettings)AkWwiseInitializationSettings.ActivePlatformSettings;
            if (akWindowsSettings) {
                Debug.Log($"audioDevice={audioDevice},audioOutId={audioOutId}, m_DeviceID=" +
                akWindowsSettings.UserSettings.m_MainOutputSettings.m_DeviceID = audioOutId;                
        } else {
            Debug.Log($"audioDevice={audioDevice},audioOutId={audioOutId}, m_DeviceID=" +
        AkInitializationSettings akInitializationSettings = AkWwiseInitializationSettings.ActivePlatformSettings.AkInitializationSettings;
        akInitializationSettings.initSettings.settingsMainOutput.idDevice = audioOutId;

        // so far so good

        var cam = Camera.main;
        AkGameObj akGameObj = cam.GetComponent<AkGameObj>();
        AkRoomAwareObject akRoomAwareObject = cam.GetComponent<AkRoomAwareObject>();
        akGameObj.enabled = false;
        akRoomAwareObject.enabled = false;
        cam.GetComponent<AkAudioListener>().enabled = false;
        cam.GetComponent<AkSpatialAudioListener>().enabled = false;

        if (AkSoundEngine.IsInitialized()) {
            Debug.Log("terminating AkSoundEngine so we could re-init it");
            // works fine ^
        var success = AkWwiseInitializationSettings.InitializeSoundEngine();
        Debug.Log($"InitializeSoundEngine success={success}");
        // also works fine (returns success) but i still get the errors even when the section above is uncommented :(



Wwise: Unknown game object ID. Make sure the game object is registered before using it and do not use it once it was unregistered.: 2 (GameObject: Avatar: ido (UnityEngine.GameObject)) (Instance ID: 18446744073709548102)

The above happens even if i unregister/disable all AkGameObjects as in the commented out lines. Is there something else I need to do to un- & re-register everything after outout device change?
asked Oct 6, 2020 in General Discussion by Ido Y. (100 points)
edited Oct 6, 2020 by Ido Y.

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