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How can I change Mastering suite Plug-in parameters with RTPCs?

0 支持
Hi, I'm trying to use 'Mastering Suite' plug-in.

I want to change some parameters(such as, Multiband-compressor's fisrt band's threshold or Gain..etc)  with game parameters via RTPC.

But in the RTPC tab in the plug-in, when i clicked create button, there is no choice i can select.

Is there anyway I could change parameters with RTPC in Mastering Suite?

Thank you.
MMyyoo (200 ポイント) 2020 10/19 質問 General Discussion

回答 2

+2 支持

Hi MMyyoo, 

It is unforunately not possible to connect RTPC's to Mastering Suite properties. 
Instead you can use the Wwise Compressor and if you need a quick introduction to it, there's a bit about it in Wwise-201

Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic) (39,400 ポイント) 2020 10/19 回答
Samuel L. (Audiokinetic) 2020 10/26 選択
Thank you for the answer.
Perhaps,Is there a plan for support this function in the future?
Thank you.
+2 支持

You could also try my multiband compressor plugin, Polyspectral MBC. All the band parameters can be driven by RTPC.

Ethan F. (190 ポイント) 2020 10/20 回答
Thank you for the answer,
yes, I'm also trying to use Polyspetral MBC and McDSP ML1 for mastering too.
I wondered i could control the parameters of Mastering Suite with RTPC just like as those plug-ins.