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Problem unloading banks after user starts his own music on iOS

0 votes

we are having a problem on iOS :

when the game is already running, and the user starts his own music, everything is fine (the user's music starts, the in-game music stops) until it's time to unload the banks. The game freezes at that point ; it waits for something (AKPLATFORM::AkWaitForEvent) and is stuck there. It's not only when the game tries to unload the music bank, it freezes at different banks, randomly. The music files are the only one compressed in AAC. I'm not the programmer, but I was wondering if there's something I missed on my side (implementation).

We are using Wwise 2013.1.1


asked Jul 24, 2013 in General Discussion by User77771 (150 points)
edited Jul 24, 2013 by User77771

1 Answer

0 votes
Hi, it also happened to me, the UnloadBank freezes for ever, have you solved it from your side?

Thanks a lot!
answered Jul 11, 2014 by David R. (180 points)