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wwise authoring tool

0 votes



I have UE 4 integrated and i am currently trying to make a project that works in UE4. I am following the instructions yet in the first part it says create the game using wwise authoring tool  I am unsure of what this is. Is it a plug in or when I create a project will this be in the settings?



asked Nov 6, 2014 in General Discussion by Robert M. (4,640 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Wwise authoring is an application that enables you to have a graphical interface so that you can easily manage all audio aspects of your game.

You can get the latest version of the authoring from here:

Windows -

Mac -

I also suggest you to download the Wwise Project Adventure so that you can learn all the basics of Wwise Authoring

answered Nov 7, 2014 by Fabien B. (Audiokinetic) (12,860 points)