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DllNotFoundException: AkSoundEngine

0 votes
Hi there,

Bascially as the title says i'm getting a DllNotFoundException: AkSoundEngine error everytime i try to play a Unity project in edit mode. I've followed the instructions in the help document and numerous youtube tutorials but i'm still getting it. I've also tried tutorials on two different machines and getting the same error some i'm clearly doing something wrong.

I''m using the most recent 2014 Unity Wwise integration plugin and i've also tried the demo scene which gave me the same error. Is there something else I need to be downloading/doing? AkSoundEngine.dll files are both clearly in the plugins folder of my projects assets so is the project just not detecting them for any reason?

I've also installed the latest DirectX so i'm struggling with what to do next.

Any help would be amazing as this is extremely frustrating!


asked Nov 12, 2014 in General Discussion by Joe R. (130 points)

2 Answers

+2 votes

When we've had this error, usually it's a DLL dependency problem, not the AkSoundEngine.DLL itself.

For release and profile versions of AkSoundEngine.DLL, you need the Direct X end-user runtime 9.0c or newer, which provides MSVCR90.DLL and XINPUT*.DLL.

For the debug version, you need MSVCRT90D.DLL, which is distributed with Visual Studio.

You might be able to figure out which DLL is missing with, note that this will report certain false positives.


answered Nov 21, 2014 by Schmid (240 points)
Small correction, the XInput dependency has been removed in 2014.1
+1 vote
Best answer
In case anyone else has this issue more recently: We had it when updating from 2015.1.1 to 2015.1.4 with Unity 5.3.0 - but only for a few people on our team. In the end the 'fix' was to reinstall Unity with the included Visual Studio Community edition (even though those persons weren't using Visual Studio) and then the exception disappeared...
answered Apr 1, 2016 by Chris (690 points)
selected Apr 6, 2016 by Guillaume R. (Audiokinetic)