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A error when i start capture

0 votes
Timestamp Type Description Object Name Game Object Name Object ID Game Object ID Scope

0:02:48.661 Error Could not create profiler file: capture aborted.
asked Mar 4, 2021 in General Discussion by DUONG P. (100 points)

3 Answers

0 votes
Hey Duong,

Sounds like you've got some permission problems on your drive. Do you have administrative rights on the drive you've stored the Wwise project at?
answered Mar 5, 2021 by Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic) (39,780 points)
I'm having the same problem following the Wwise 101 tutorial. Tried launching Wwise Launcher as Administrator, turning off firewall, and freed 1 GB of HDD space. Always that error when trying to start capture. Using Wwise 2019.2.9.
0 votes
I had the same problem. I solved by uninstalling Wwise (that was installed in the Program Files (x86) directory of Windows) and I reinstalled it in the user directory ("C:\Users\%yourusername%\").
answered May 6, 2021 by Federico (140 points)
+1 vote
I had the same problem. It showed "not create profiler file: capture aborted" and "not enough disc space". I solved it by opening the "profiler settings" and setting the "maximum file size" lower. I hope it can solve your problem, too.
answered Aug 10, 2022 by Shihao F. (160 points)