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How to have wwise events that play sound with positioning on DOTS/ECS objects that lack a gameObject?

+1 vote
How to have wwise events that play sound with positioning on DOTS/ECS objects that lack a gameObject?

We are aware that posting an event demand a GameObject , altough how could wwise works with such features. We are evalutating wwise integration into a new project and we would like to know how can we approcach this.

Have wwise ever support that Unity Feature ?
asked May 21, 2021 in General Discussion by Yann M. (110 points)
I've had some success integrating Wwise with ECS, you'd have to create your own ECS system and call AkSoundEngine.XXX methods directly from your Entities.ForEach. You can get basic sound with the following:

AkSoundEngine.RegisterGameObjInternal(id) (you can treat the Entity struct as an ID)

Calling these from ScheduleParallel() seem to work fine too, but I don't know if multithreading is actually supported.

1 Answer

+1 vote
Wwise Unity Integration currently doesn't support ECS objects.

Although it's possible to use the low-level part and plug it directly by yourself. We've had good success with this, but it entails a lot of C# hacking.

There are long-term tasks we want to achieve in order to get a full high-speed support for DOTS in low-level, and we're getting there. But like all features such as this, the best bet is to ask your Audiokinetic representative about this, more we have people asking for this, more the priorities will be shifted.
answered May 27, 2021 by Michel D. (510 points)