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Unity integration failed caused by AkCommonPlatformSettings.cs(246,25) error CS1501

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Hi Wwise and everyone! I'm trying to integrate Wwise into my new Unity project. But it ended up with errors below:

Game integration: Pushing progress: A script compilation error occurred during the execution in Unity. Please click Open Log to review the Unity log.
Assets/Wwise/Deployment/API/Handwritten/Common/AkCommonPlatformSettings.cs(246,25): error CS1501: No overload for method `Combine' takes `7' arguments

Then I go into the new temp project created by Wwise during the integration. Find this scripts AkCommonPlatformSettings.cs(246,25) and I found out it was like this:

return System.IO.Path.Combine(UnityEngine.Application.dataPath, "Wwise", "Deployment", "Plugins", "Windows", "x86_64", "DSP");

According to the errors info. I tried changing it into:

return System.IO.Path.Combine(UnityEngine.Application.dataPath, @"Wwise/Deployment/Plugins/Windows/x86_64/DSP");

Then, the project seems working fine now, I can use C# scripts to post event on game objects. But I do wonder:

WHY is this happening? WHAT should I do to let the auto integration success? So scared of bugs that I can't foresee in changing code like this.

My Wwise version is 2019.1.9.7221. My Unity version is 2017.4.31f1.

I checked out supported Unity versions on the wwise versions site, and it says Unity 2017.4 is supported.

Is there something wrong with my coding enviroment? I use VS2019 and its version is 16.8.4. With developement enviroments for windowsApp, Unity and C++ for Unreal.

Please reply here if you got any idea about this problem! Thanks!

asked May 28, 2021 in General Discussion by lingchu L. (100 points)

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