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UE4 reverb demo/aux busses

0 votes
Hi again!


...Sorry I am a neusance

I am trying to understand the Reverb Demo. How does UE4 send out the signal to trigger to Wwise? I am trying to get a player's walk go through the reverb sound effect when they walk through an area. I tried to set it up to where when they walk through a box trigger it would enable the "usereverbvolumes" node. It is not working (granted I am NOT  a programmer very sorry ). The node is set up to call upon the Echo_walk auxbus I set up. I think the bus is triggering but how does the bus now know to trigger the walking SFX?

I looked in lesson 7 of the wwise 101 classes; I know that I can just set the auxilary bus to none and check "use game defined aux sends". Yet it doesen't show you how to set it up to route the auxbus to the SFX when the bus is triggered (guessing that is on the programming side). I figured I can always just combine it with the switch demo, but that would have me end up with alot of different play events.


Thanks for the help in advance I will be very patient this time I promise XD.
asked Dec 11, 2014 in General Discussion by Robert M. (4,640 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
We actually created a custom volume for reverbs. Just like Unreal's ReverbVolume, we created an AkReverbVolume. For more information, you can refer to the integration's documentation, in section Wwise Unreal Integration » Using the Integration » Features .
answered Dec 12, 2014 by Benoit S. (Audiokinetic) (16,020 points)
I am routing it through like the integration suggests. My question is, is does the object have to be in the level for it to get affected by Reverb? I have the reverb volume object in the level. When I put an akevent attached to geometry in the volume it works fine. Also in the demo the matinee is with in the level.

Yet when I try and do a sound that is generated by the player and rtpc (like footsteps) it won't trigger. And I have tried routing it through in blue prints as shown above. The node in there is the node in the audiokinetic tab. Also yes I tried routing the "postevent" into the reverb effect, and vice versa.
RTPC and aux buses in UE4