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How do I use Wwise convolution reverb with event based packaging in Unreal?

+1 vote
I'm having trouble getting Wwise convolution reverb to work in Unreal while using Event Based Packaging.  It's perhaps because there's no implicit way to manually load a soundbank filled with the convolution impulses.  Direct effect assignments on the sound object and effect assignments on an aux bus do not appear to be loading the pertinent impulses either.  Convolution reverb is working properly when auditioning within Wwise.  I am only using Factory Convolution Reverb impulses and settings.  Any ideas?
asked Sep 16, 2021 in General Discussion by Chase A. (110 points)
recategorized Sep 17, 2021 by Mads Maretty S.
I am also experiencing the same issue and am in need of an answer.
I'm currently having the same issue. We are using Event Based Packaging with Wwise 2021.1.8 and Unreal 5.0.3, and convolution reverb media files are showing as missing. The specific message is, "Plug-in media unavailable: Wwise Convolution Reverb", "Plug-in media unavailable: Could not find Impulse Response (*name of reverb setting*)". How can I ensure these impulse assets are packaged with the build?
I found another way to fix it: In Wwise, go to the ShareSets tab and create a new child -> Convolution Reverb. Set it up, choose your custom impulse file, and save the project. Then, go to your Actor Mixer or Master Mixer asset and add the Convolution Reverb effect, but choose the newly created ShareSet. After that, the custom impulse should be added to the soundbank during generation.

1 Answer

0 votes
I fixed this issue by creating an AUX bus in Wwise and adding a convolution reverb effect with my custom Impulse Response file. I'm not using this AUX in the Unreal project, it is just in the content browser. EBP sound banks now generate well with this custom IR file. Moreover, I tried having this AUX only in Wwise, and it works as well.
I guess this happens because Unreal needs some asset in the content browser to make it visible to EBP sound banks. So if we place there an AUX with the custom convolution included, the system can take that media and include it in EBP.
answered Jul 25 by Danil B. (140 points)