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Init.bnk File not found

+1 vote
Recently our game stopped being able to load the Init.bnk file, it fails with Ak_FileNotFound

I checked the changelog of the branch merge that broke it. The only changes I can see that may have affected it. are in the SoundBanksInfo.xml

<SoundBank Id="1355168291" Language="SFX" Hash="3188540038">

has changed to

<SoundBank Id="1355168291" Language="SFX" Hash="1890025745">

This is for the Init sound bank. What is the Hash and what controls what value it is? I'm a programmer, our wwise guy didn't know, he said he hasn't changed anything like that. I also noticed some other Banks had their Hash xml attribute removed. At the very least I'd like to understand what this does, can I manually change it back? Would that have an other adverse effects. Thanks

Other info:
Game Engine: Unity 2020.3.12f1
Wwise integration: 2019.2.9.7459.1949
Wwise: 2019.2.9.7459
Platform: Android
asked Oct 22, 2021 in General Discussion by Jamie H. (110 points)

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