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Log with accurate timestamp of Wwise events.

0 votes
For the purpose of an experiment, I would like to record the (dynamic) music played by Wwise at the same time as the game events (in Unity) and the player actions. I need the highest possible accuracy to check the reaction time of the players between the sounds and their actions.
In the Wwise profiler, I can view the desired information (events, RTPCs changes, etc.).
How can I do the same thing from the game distributed to the players (a Unity executable) and save the log in a text file?
I've thought about using callbacks to monitor Wwise activity, but how do I estimate the latency between an event and its notification by a callback?
Can I get the timestamp of an event from the callback?
asked Nov 15, 2021 in General Discussion by Aline H. (130 points)

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