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Wwise Adventure Game not loading to start game

0 votes
Having used to use this file with Wwise 301 earlier this year with connection fine to the game (still all in same place) - the WAG just to play goes to the main menu, clicks start fine, but then never loads or responds to any buttons after. (I've checked and changed buttons on the load menu to see if it was that).
I'm having no luck getting the game to actually start, it's like no buttons are responding so it's just hovering with the music (which still changes time of day etc on load screen so it seems to be working fine)
Any ideas?
asked Dec 16, 2021 in General Discussion by Paul S. (100 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Hi Paul,

Are you referring to the game build or the unity project? and if in Unity, do you get any errors in the console?
My immediate thoughts are that somehow the InputManager or PlayerManager is missing links to objects in the project. Could you try opening any of the certification menu scenes and see if they work?

Let us know!
answered Dec 20, 2021 by Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic) (39,060 points)