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Changing Default State Properties columns (Voice Volume/Voice Low Pass/Voice High Pass/...)

0 votes

I've been looking into changing some of the Wwise default settings to be more efficient on some projects, but I didn't find any way to change the default columns of the States Properties.

Here for example I would like to have all the Aux Sends (0 / 1 / 2 / 3) available by default, instead of having to manually add them.

I checked what's happening in the .wwu and from what I gather, if the default settings are applied, the <StatePropertyList> does not appear, but if a state property was added or removed from the default properties it will show up like this :


I went into the WObject.xml following information found on this thread by Bernard R. but couldn't find anything to change the default properties. I tried to search in many other files in the Wwise installation as well but couldn't find anything there either.

Am I missing something? Is there a way to change it natively in the application or by some ways in the files? Or is it hard-coded and I'll have to find a work-around?
It can be a bit time-consuming to adjust states properties on many different items, so any help or workflow improvements in this regard would be appreciated.

asked Dec 19, 2021 in General Discussion by ARKADATA / Pierre Daunis (110 points)
edited Dec 22, 2021 by ARKADATA / Pierre Daunis

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