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How do I set Ambient Sound Attenuation in UE4?

0 votes
I have many instances of the same event being played as AkAmbientSounds.  I need to specify a radius and falloff for each one (or similar attenuation properties).  Basically I need the same sort of attenuation properties that the UE4 AmbientSound has.
asked Jan 15, 2015 in General Discussion by chris w. (100 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
In the Wwise SDK, there is a method to scale the attenuation radius by a factor (SetAttenuationScalingFactor). Unfortunately, it is not currently exposed in the UE4 integration, but this is something we will implement in future releases.


Thanks for reporting this!
answered Jan 16, 2015 by Benoit S. (Audiokinetic) (16,020 points)