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Midi Note Discrepancies

0 votes
Implementing / Creating a Sampler in Wwise and noticing some odd behavior.  When writing the musical parts, say, a constant note of C1, it only plays back if I Keymap to C2 in Wwise.

Additional example detail

I import the audio note playing a C1 note.
in Wwise I map the correct midi channel and apply the following:  Override Parent, Enable, Root Note C2.   Transposition 0, Velocity Offset 0.  Key Range min = B1, Max=C#2

This plays back the midi track with the C1 note just fine.   However, if set how I would THINK it should be   (Root Note C1, Key Range B0, C#1) it will not playback.

I must be missing a global setting somewhere perhaps?

Thank you in advance.
asked Mar 1, 2022 in General Discussion by Kenneth W. (230 points)

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