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Wwise SDK 2022.1.13
AK.Wwise::Plugin::V1::XmlReader类 参考

API interface for XML-based plug-in persistence. 更多...

#include <HostXml.h>

类 AK.Wwise::Plugin::V1::XmlReader 继承关系图:
AK.Wwise::Plugin::CBaseInstanceGlue< CHostXml, CHostXml::ReaderInstance > ak_wwise_plugin_host_xml_reader_instance_v1 AK.Wwise::Plugin::CBaseInterfaceGlue< CHostXml > ak_wwise_plugin_cpp_base_instance ak_wwise_plugin_instance_ptr

Public 类型

enum  : InterfaceTypeValue { k_interfaceType = AK_WWISE_PLUGIN_INTERFACE_TYPE_HOST_XML }
 The interface type, as requested by this plug-in. 更多...
enum  : InterfaceVersion { k_interfaceVersion = 1 }
 The interface version, as requested by this plug-in. 更多...
using Interface = CHostXml
- Public 类型 继承自 AK.Wwise::Plugin::CBaseInstanceGlue< CHostXml, CHostXml::ReaderInstance >
using Instance = CHostXml::ReaderInstance
- Public 类型 继承自 AK.Wwise::Plugin::CBaseInterfaceGlue< CHostXml >
using GluedInterface = CHostXml

Public 成员函数

const char * GetName () const
 Returns the name of the current node being read. 更多...
AK::Wwise::Plugin::XmlNodeType::NodeType GetNodeType () const
 Returns the type of the current node being read. 更多...
bool IsEmptyElement () const
 Tests whether the current node being read is empty. 更多...
const char * GetValue () const
 Returns the value of the current node being read. 更多...
bool IsEOF () const
 Tests whether the end of file is reached while reading the XML. 更多...
int GetLineNumber () const
 Retrieves the line number that contains the start of the current node being read. 更多...
int GetLinePosition () const
 Retrieves the column in the line that contains the start of the current node being read. 更多...
AK::Wwise::Plugin::XmlNodeType::NodeType MoveToContent ()
 Makes sure the cursor points to a content-type entity while reading XML. 更多...
bool Read ()
 Sets the reading pointer to the next node, recursively. 更多...
const char * ReadElementString ()
 Reads simple text-only elements, and increments the pointer. 更多...
void ReadInnerXml (const char *&out_csXml)
 Reads all the contents of an Element or Attribute as a string, including markup. Increments the pointer. 更多...
void ReadOuterXml (const char *&out_csXml)
 Reads the Element or Attribute as a string, including markup. Increments the pointer. 更多...
void Skip ()
 Sets the reading pointer past the current node, skipping any inner content. 更多...
bool GetAttribute (const char *in_rcsAttributeName, const char *&out_rcsValue)
 Reads the value of a particular attribute under the current node. 更多...
- Public 成员函数 继承自 ak_wwise_plugin_cpp_base_instance
virtual ~ak_wwise_plugin_cpp_base_instance ()


- 静态 Public 属性 继承自 AK.Wwise::Plugin::CBaseInterfaceGlue< CHostXml >
static GluedInterfaceg_cinterface
 The unique instance of the CInterface interface. Defined at nullptr first, overridden by the Host once loaded. 更多...


API interface for XML-based plug-in persistence.

The XML plug-in persistence is useful when a plug-in provides custom data handling. Normally, plug-in data is stored through the property sets (see PropertySet and ObjectStore). However, a plug-in might provide its own custom handling. For complex interfaces, it might be worthwhile to use the CustomData interface. Loading and saving can then be done through this XML interface.

The XML interface represents a cursor pointing to a node (element), alongside methods to navigate through the hierarchy.

备注: One unique XML interface is provided for both reading and writing XML. Depending on the instance being provided, it will allow reading or writing through this interface.

It can either be a ak_wwise_plugin_host_xml_reader_instance_v1 or a ak_wwise_plugin_host_xml_writer_instance_v1.

在文件 HostXml.h529 行定义.







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