
Wwise SDK 2022.1.13
AK.Wwise::IPluginPropertySet类 参考abstract

#include <AudioPlugin.h>

Public 成员函数

virtual bool GetValue (const GUID &in_guidPlatform, LPCWSTR in_pszPropertyName, VARIANT &out_varProperty)=0
virtual bool SetValue (const GUID &in_guidPlatform, LPCWSTR in_pszPropertyName, const VARIANT &in_varProperty)=0
virtual bool PropertyHasRTPC (LPCWSTR in_pszPropertyName)=0
virtual GUID GetCurrentPlatform ()=0
virtual BasePlatformID GetCurrentBasePlatform ()=0
virtual BasePlatformID GetDefaultNativeAuthoringPlaybackPlatform ()=0
 This function is called To retrieve the base platforms of the authoring tool. 更多...
virtual GUID GetAuthoringPlaybackPlatform ()=0
 This function is called To retrieve the custom platform being used to run while in authoring 更多...
virtual void NotifyInternalDataChanged (AkPluginParamID in_idData, bool in_bMakeProjectDirty=true)=0
virtual bool CanLogUndos ()=0
virtual AK::Wwise::IUndoManager * GetUndoManager ()=0
virtual void GetLicenseStatus (const GUID &in_guidPlatform, AK::Wwise::LicenseType &out_eType, AK::Wwise::LicenseStatus &out_eStatus, UINT32 &out_uDaysToExpiry)=0
 Obtain licensing status for the plug-in. Refer to 管理授权 for more information. 更多...
virtual void GetAssetLicenseStatus (const GUID &in_guidPlatform, AkUInt32 in_uAssetID, AK::Wwise::LicenseType &out_eType, AK::Wwise::LicenseStatus &out_eStatus, UINT32 &out_uDaysToExpiry)=0
 Obtain licensing status for a plug-in-specific asset ID. Refer to 管理授权 for more information. 更多...
virtual const GUIDGetID () const =0
 Obtain the unique identifier of the corresponding IWObject. 更多...
virtual void WaapiCall (const char *in_szUri, const char *in_szArgs, const char *in_szOptions, AK::IAkPluginMemAlloc *in_pAlloc, char *&out_szResults, char *&out_szError) const =0
 Find and call the specified procedure. Calls made using this function are always blocking. 更多...


Plug-in property set interface. An instance of this class is created and assigned to each plug-in, which in turn can use it to manage its properties. Whenever a property name is specified, it corresponds to the property name set in the plug-in's XML definition file.

警告: The functions in this interface are not thread-safe, unless stated otherwise.

在文件 AudioPlugin.h87 行定义.







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