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Wwise SDK 2023.1.4
AK.Wwise::Plugin::V1::DataWriter类 参考

Interface used to write data during sound bank generation. 更多...

#include <HostDataWriter.h>

类 AK.Wwise::Plugin::V1::DataWriter 继承关系图:
AK.Wwise::Plugin::CBaseInstanceGlue< CHostDataWriter > AK.Wwise::Plugin::CBaseInterfaceGlue< CHostDataWriter >

Public 类型

enum  : InterfaceTypeValue { k_interfaceType = AK_WWISE_PLUGIN_INTERFACE_TYPE_HOST_DATA_WRITER }
 The interface type, as requested by this plug-in. 更多...
enum  : InterfaceVersion { k_interfaceVersion = 1 }
 The interface version, as requested by this plug-in. 更多...
using Interface = CHostDataWriter
- Public 类型 继承自 AK.Wwise::Plugin::CBaseInstanceGlue< CHostDataWriter >
using Instance = typename CInterface::Instance
- Public 类型 继承自 AK.Wwise::Plugin::CBaseInterfaceGlue< CHostDataWriter >
using GluedInterface = CHostDataWriter

Public 成员函数

bool WriteData (const void *in_pData, uint32_t in_cBytes, uint32_t &out_cWritten)
 Writes a block of data. 更多...
bool WriteString (const char *in_szString)
 Writes a string. 更多...
bool WriteInt64 (int64_t in_value)
 Writes a 64-bit signed integer value. 更多...
bool WriteInt32 (int32_t in_value)
 Writes a 32-bit signed integer value. 更多...
bool WriteInt16 (int16_t in_value)
 Writes a 16-bit signed integer value. 更多...
bool WriteInt8 (int8_t in_value)
 Writes an 8-bit signed integer value. 更多...
bool WriteUInt64 (uint64_t in_value)
 Writes a 64-bit unsigned integer value. 更多...
bool WriteUInt32 (uint32_t in_value)
 Writes a 32-bit unsigned integer value. 更多...
bool WriteUInt16 (uint16_t in_value)
 Writes a 16-bit unsigned integer value. 更多...
bool WriteUInt8 (uint8_t in_value)
 Writes an 8-bit unsigned integer value. 更多...
bool WriteReal64 (double in_value)
 Writes a 64-bit, double-precision floating point value. 更多...
bool WriteReal32 (float in_value)
 Writes a 32-bit, single-precision floating point value. 更多...
bool WriteBool (bool in_value)
 Writes a boolean value. 更多...


- 静态 Public 属性 继承自 AK.Wwise::Plugin::CBaseInterfaceGlue< CHostDataWriter >
static GluedInterfaceg_cinterface
 The unique instance of the CInterface interface. Defined at nullptr first, overridden by the Host once loaded. 更多...


Interface used to write data during sound bank generation.

备注: All functions perform the appropriate platform-specific byte reordering, except where noted.

在文件 HostDataWriter.h244 行定义.







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