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Wwise SDK 2023.1.4

◆ SetDistanceProbe()

AKSOUNDENGINE_API AKRESULT AK::SoundEngine::SetDistanceProbe ( AkGameObjectID  in_listenerGameObjectID,
AkGameObjectID  in_distanceProbeGameObjectID 

Use the position of a separate game object for distance calculations for a specified listener. When AK::SoundEngine::SetDistanceProbe() is called, Wwise calculates distance attenuation and filtering based on the distance between the distance probe Game Object (in_distanceProbeGameObjectID) and the emitter Game Object's position. In third-person perspective applications, the distance probe Game Object may be set to the player character's position, and the listener Game Object's position to that of the camera. In this scenario, attenuation is based on the distance between the character and the sound, whereas panning, spatialization, and spread and focus calculations are base on the camera. Both Game Objects, in_listenerGameObjectID and in_distanceProbeGameObjectID must have been previously registered using AK::SoundEngine::RegisterGameObj. This funciton is optional. if AK::SoundEngine::SetDistanceProbe() is never called, distance calculations are based on the listener Game Object position. To clear the distance probe, and revert to using the listener position for distance calculations, pass AK_INVALID_GAME_OBJECT to in_distanceProbeGameObjectID.

备注: If the distance probe Game Object is assigned multiple positions, then the first position is used for distance calculations by the listener.
  • AK_Success when successful
in_listenerGameObjectIDGame object identifier for the listener. Must have been previously registered via RegisterGameObj.
in_distanceProbeGameObjectIDGame object identifier for the distance probe, or AK_INVALID_GAME_OBJECT to reset distance probe. If valid, must have been previously registered via RegisterGameObj.







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