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How to fix Soundbank load failure Wwise 251

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Starting my Wwise 251 course certification.

Why is my Wwise Bank Load failing in unity?

Wwise generates the SoundBank without errors populating. When initiating play mode for the Title Screen of the WAG, it says: "Failed load init.bnk with result: AK_WrongBankVersion

Unity version 2022.1.22f1

Wwise version 2022.1.1

OS Monterey

Thanks in advance.
最新提问 3月 30, 2023 分类:General Discussion | 用户: Ethan G. (130 分)


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Hello Ethan,

Did you read this?

You will have to make sure both Wwise project and Unity Integration is the same version.
And IF you choose to use a newer version that what specified in links above, remember that there might be many differences. Still will be relevant for learning Wwise, but quizzes and exams are based on older versions.
最新回答 3月 31, 2023 用户: Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic) (39,400 分)