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Is there a way to have different configurations for one platform? (ie: PC min and max spec)

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If you're making a PC game, and you want to have different settings, and even different banks, for a min spec and  max spec  PC systems, is there a way to do this in Wwise?
最新提问 10月 1, 2013 分类:General Discussion | 用户: Glenn J. (100 分)


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Currently, this is not possible.  

There is however a work-around:

  • use the Mac platform as Min Spec
  • use the Windows platform as Max Spec

Both are binary compatible, except for AAC codec, which is only available on mac.

You can also change the sample rate from 48kHz to 24kHz at initialization of sound engine.  You will save 50% CPU on effect processing and mixing.  This will however break the Convolution Reverb IR, which are converted for 48kHz.

Also, see this question/answer:


最新回答 10月 2, 2013 用户: Bernard R. (Audiokinetic) (35,410 分)