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Wwise and SVN on Mac

0 投票
Attempting to setup SVN to work with Wwise but do not see any documentation, etc of files to ignore, required, etc. Also... unable to get SVN (Tortoise, Smart SVN, or Versions) to show in the available plug-in list for version control.

Is there documentation that I can reference to make sure everything is setup appropriately?

FYI: The setup is on a Mac through Unity.
最新提问 5月 22, 2014 分类:General Discussion | 用户: Preston W. (210 分)
修改于 9月 3, 2014 用户:Bernard R. (Audiokinetic)


0 投票

As specified in the "Known Issues" list, Source Control plug-ins (Perforce and Subversion) are not supported in the Wwise Authoring Application BETA for Mac.

In the meantime, you can always perform your source control operations within the Mac OS X environment using the Terminal or any other third-party Source Control software.

Please refer to the following page for more information regarding the Wwise Authoring Application BETA for Mac:

最新回答 5月 26, 2014 用户: Étienne C. (Audiokinetic) (1,780 分)
采纳于 6月 5, 2014 用户:Étienne C. (Audiokinetic)