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Losing references using AK.Wwise.Event in Unity scripts - how to fix?

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So, I have the same problem as this Wwise user, but their fix isn't applicable for me.

I believe it has something to do with version control. We use Sourcetree to sync up our Unity projects, and when others make changes to prefabs and/or scenes, they lose their inspector references to Wwise.
We've been checking meta-files and nothing seems to show the reference getting lost...
Needless to say, this is very time consuming and annoying.

Trying the fix the above-mentioned user suggested doesn't work either, because - I don't have the folders they are mentioning?
Following the path they suggest I see an API folder, Deployment folder, etc. But no Ressources folder. And there are no Wwise folders in the Assets/Ressources hierarchy. So I can't use their fix for the issue.

Thanks in advance for any help on this matter.
最新提问 1月 19, 2022 分类:General Discussion | 用户: Jonas L. (100 分)
Might you be having this issue I posted about? https://www.audiokinetic.com/qa/9772/critical-integration-causing-scriptableobjects-deleted

(The ScriptableObjects files that are being deleted seem to be references for wwise Events). What version of Wwise / Wwise-Unity integration are you using?

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