Wwise 99 Ways To Footsteps. Ep6 - Dual RTPC Switches

Using two identically valued RTPC's - you can create simple logic systems in Wwise - by altering the slew rate of one of them.

This can, without code or engine implementation, determine a current state and a previous state - which will give you a lot of creative freedom when dealing with switch system.

In this case it determines our current movement state and the other RTPC determines our previous, in that way we can create a switch system which can play transition sounds when moving from one type of movement to another instead of an instant change.

In this video I only go about how to do so one way, meaning from Walk to Run and Run to Sprint.
But you can easily extend the system and create switches that work both ways and with much more detail.

That also means that using better assets than the one used in the example will give you great results, as the example files here are just library stock footsteps taken directly into Cubase (my favorite weapon of choice), split into individual files and exported. So for this to sound really good, you obviously need good asset creation as well (as with anything really)


Cujo Sound: Is a video game audio development channel by Bjørn Jacobsen. Aka. CCP WhiteNoiseTrash (From when I was working on EVE Online)

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